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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06/18/2007

The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at 7:30  P.M. on Monday, June 18, 2007 at Christ the King
Church.  First Selectman Timothy Griswold, Selectman  Skip Sibley and Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder were present,
 1.  Approval of Minutes:  June 4, 2007 and June 14,  2007 (Special Meeting)
Selectman Sibley made a motion to approve the  minutes  of June 4, 2007.  Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded  the motion.  SO VOTED.
 Selectman Sibley suggested a correction to the minutes of June 14, 2007 (Special Meeting) under 2.
Appointments as follows:  Selectman Sibley made the  motion to appoint Geraldine Foster as an alternate  member of the Tree Commission.  Selectwoman > Reemsnyder  made a motion to approve the amended minutes of June  14, 2007.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.
 2.  Communications:
     a.  Letter to Chair Fairfield-Sonn – Building  Committee Appointments
    First Selectman Griswold read a letter he sent  to  Board of Ed Chairman Lynn  Fairfield-Sonn in
which he suggested that she appoint seven additional  people to the High School Building Committee,
including previous Building Committee Chairman  Stephen Joncus, so that the committee would be equally represented by those who supported the project and  those who opposed it.  Mr. Griswold reported that, at  the Facilities and Building Committee meeting last  week, Ms. Fairfield-Sonn stated that she would not add  the additional people to the committee and it would remain dormant during the summer while the board  conducts focus groups and community forums.
 b.     Chair Czarnowski, Conservation Comm. – 2010 Plan of  Dvlmt.  Questionnaire
Conservation Chairman Ellie Cznarnowski is setting the  groundwork for the 2010 Plan of  Development.  In a  letter to the Board, Ms. Cznarnowski stated that every ten years each Connecticut town is to develop a plan of conservation and development based on the views of its citizens about the town’s future development and quality of life issues.  The Conservation Commission is developing a questionnaire for residents and  taxpayers to assess their ideas for maintenance  and/or improvements for the quality of life in Old Lyme.   
 Selectman Sibley suggested that the Board of  Selectmen  or the Conservation Commission hold a special  workshop meeting next month to brainstorm this topic and invite Zoning.  
      c.  Sherry Meyer – Request for Tuition Assistance
Social Services Coordinator Sherry Meyer is pursuing  her college degree at UCONN in the area of human  services course work.  In a written request, she has asked whether the town would be willing to help her with the tuition.  Selectwoman Reemsnyder asked if  there is anything in writing about the reimbursement  of tuition for classes.  Mr. Griswold stated there is  a clause for reimbursement in the police union  contract only.  Selectman Sibley asked about a cap  to the amount allowed.  Mr. Sibley further stated that  it  might be a good opportunity to set a policy that  would  address the needs of other employees as well.  
 3.  Appointments:
4.  Old Business:
     a.  Discussion About Tantammaheag Rd/Mile Creek Rd Land Swap Proposal
First Selectman Griswold contacted the Park & Rec  Commission to see if they had discussed the land
swap  property on Mile Creek Road as to what recreational  activities would be appropriate. The commission  needs> to consider the railroad tracks adjacent to the property, the 15 ft. right of way, the issue of the  pond depth for swimming, and the necessity of a lifeguard.  First Selectman Griswold spoke with  Harry  Smith concerning parking on Tantammaheag Road and  Mr.  Smith recommended obtaining a written report from  the  Fire Chief as to the hazards that parking on the  road  would cause the fire company.
Selectwoman Reemsnyder asked for an assessment of  the  cost to maintain the town landing and town
maintenance  on the property in the future.  Ms. Reemsnyder is concerned about the encroachment on the Johnson’s  property and asked if the boundary lines could be  marked better.  On the Mile Creek property,  Selectwoman Reemsnyder asked how much it would cost  to  bring it up to a usable property and who will be  responsible for overseeing the property.  She is  concerned about the depth of the pond, the remote  location of it and the possible access at night.   She stated there is access to Black Hall River but will  it  be used since there is a long walkway and does it  fit  into the town’s open space plan?
 Selectman Sibley  stated that the property on Mile Creek Road lends  itself more to a Park & Rec use versus an open space  use.  The property will need to be managed and  policed for liability reasons.
 Selectwoman Reemsnyder made a motion to move Public  Comment to this point in the agenda.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.
 Coult Lane resident Cindy Fecher asked whether the  land on Mile Creek Road would require
Inland/Wetlands  approval. First Selectman Griswold explained that the DEP, not Inland/Wetlands, would have jurisdiction over tidal wetlands.   Ms. Fecher presented a petition  with 200 signatures to the Board. She stated she looked at  the town landings and wanted to clarify certain  facts  in the land swap proposal that, in her opinion, are  not true.  She disputes a statement by Diana Johnson,  Charles Delinks and Steve Ross about no access to  the  Blackhall River.  Ms. Fecher stated there is an  access
by a right of way alongside the Delink’s house on Homestead Circle, another access next to the Blair
house on Buttonball Road and another off of Smith  Neck Road.  Ms. Fecher feels there is another
contradiction  in that the proposal states it is 600 ft. to a  channel  and limited access at low tide at the landing on  Tantammaheag landing, but that is not exclusive to  that site. She would like signs posted at the  landing.
 Coult Lane resident Lynn Greenho asked if the  Johnson property has Connecticut waterfront or does the town landing go in front of the property making it water view and not waterfront?  First Selectman Griswold stated that the Johnson property has waterfront.   Ms. Greenho is concerned about how much the Boards and Commissions that approved the swap know about the Johnson property and who will benefit by swapping  the  land and preserving it.
 Don Porter of Coult Lane feels that the town should  not sell one piece of property to buy another.  The
town should keep the town landing and make an offer  on  the Mile Creek Road parcel.  The two property  transactions should not be related.
 Denise Kerr Ogden, who grew up in Old Lyme, is  concerned about the depth of the gravel pit.
 John Stratton of Elm Street stated that there is  water  access at the Tantammaheag Landing from neap tide> through high tide.  The town owes it to the past to  preserve that site.  The Mile Creek Road property
could be valuable to the Park & Rec Commission and  the  town should take into account budgetary effects in the  long run if that land were to be acquired through  purchase to plan for remediation at that site.
 Harry Smith feels that the steps leading to the  proposal were behind the scenes.  The Harbor  Commission and Open Space minutes from January until  May were not posted on the website until June.  He  also stated that the yellow marker is missing on the  Tantammheag site that indicates a fire well.
 b.     Town Woods Park – Status
Clearing has been done at the Town Woods Park and  the  work is ongoing.
      c.  Tow Hall Expansion – Status
The vault demolition has been accomplished and the  elevator pit has been dug.  Roughing out for the
foundation of the south wing has begun.  Mystic Air  Quality monitored the air quality over a three-day
period while the heavy demolition was occurring and  the air quality was under the OSHA standard. A
recommendation was to get a particulate filter for  upcoming work.                                      
      d.  Information Technology Committee –  Laserfiche  Presentation
Selectwoman Reemsnyder stated that the committee was  impressed with the ease of use of the laserfiche and  all the systems included with the program.  Selectman  Griswold added that the copier system the town has  is  compatible with the laserfiche system.
     e.  Liberty St. – Opinion of Town Counsel
First Selectman Griswold read a letter he drafted to  Miami Beach Association President Kate Abbott in
which he wrote that Atty. Clarke has located the deed from  Nunzio Corsino transferring the section of Liberty  Street in dispute to the Miami Beach Association.  Now  that the ownership is resolved, Mr. Griswold asked  Ms.  Abbott to request the Miami Beach Association to  execute an agreement with the town stating that the  association would open the three gates on a daily  basis for mail delivery, refuse pickup and recycling  pickup.   Selectwoman Reemsnyder stated that she  spoke  with John Young whose mother lives in that area.  He  said that the gates are open and his issues with the  mail delivery are resolved.  

 5.  New Business:
     a.  State Police Contract – (July 1, 2007 to  June  30, 2009)
The base contract concerns the two troopers and  their  jobs.   The paperwork requires a certification that  allows the First Selectman to enter into a contract  that is filled out by the Town Clerk.  Selectwoman
Reemsnyder made a motion to allow First Selectman  Timothy Griswold to execute the State police
contract.   Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.
 Selectman Sibley requested that the contract be an  action item to look for changes.
      b.  Town Boat Study Committee – First Meeting  Scheduled
The five-member Town Boat Study Committee will meet  on  Wednesday, June 27th at 4:30 PM.
      c.  MacCurdy Salisbury Foundation – Awards  Reception
The MacCurdy Salisbury Foundation reception was held  at the Lyme Art Association last week for the
recipients.  This is a four-year commitment by the foundation as long as the students maintain a
certain  grade point average and the family continues to  reside  in Lyme and Old Lyme.
 6.  Public Comment:
See Page 2
 7.  Other Business:
Selectman Sibley stated that he received information  on housing ordinance concerning blight from Ron
 8.  Adjournment:
Selectman Sibley made a motion to adjourn the  meeting  at 9:00 PM.  Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the  motion.  SO VOTED.

Respectfully submitted,
  Eileen Coffee, Clerk